Our company’s current status

Working hour status of average overtime working hour of each month (Excluding managers, supervisors, part time workers)

  Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
over time work hours (legal over time work +legal holiday work) 1374 1004 1157 1007 981 1109 1187 1156 1044 1413 1359 1253
Number of subject workers 223 222 222 222 221 222 220 219 219 219 217 222
Average over time work hours, etc. 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6

Female ratio in Managers (Excluding directors)

Manager segment Position equivalent to Subsection chief Position equivalent to Manager Position equivalent to head of department  
Total number 30 36 22 88
Female with above 3 4 1 8/td>

The gender wage ratio

Miyazaki headquarters
Miyazaki The average wage for women divided by the average wage for men.
Regular employees. 72%
Non-regular employees 56%
All workers or All employees 73%
Tokyo branch office
Tokyo The average wage for women divided by the average wage for men.
Regular employees. 89%
Non-regular employees 86%
All workers or All employees 89%
Primary factors of disparity:

There is a tendency for a higher number of men to hold managerial positions compared to women. Men also tend to have a higher incidence of both overtime work and working longer hours than women. Male employees are more likely to work in shift schedules, and a larger proportion of them receive benefits such as family/housing allowances, shift allowances, and late-night allowances.

The ratio of basic wages between men and women (permanent employment)

Miyazaki Head Office
Miyazaki Average female wage / Average male wage
① Deputy Department Head or higher 87%
② Section Manager 94%
Assistant Manager 90%
General Staff 87%
General Daytime Staff 84%
Tokyo Branch Office
Tokyo Average female wage / Average male wage
① Deputy Department Head or higher -
② Section Manager 95%
Assistant Manager 120%
General Staff -
General Daytime Staff 134%


Our company female employee article had posted to "Himuka WOMAN" introducing female employees who are active workers in companies of Miyazaki prefecture.

Action plan

We will plan action plan as follows for increasing female employees and preparing employment environment for female to be able to actively work.

1.Plan term

5 years from Apr1st, 2021 to Mar31st, 2026.

2.Challenges of our company

  1. Most of female employees are allocated to management head office as management staff position and it is tend to lean to this assigned office.
  2. Share of female in manager position is less. Less female aims for manager position.

3.Objective and initiative contents, implementation term

Objective1: Allocate more than one person of female employees (including hiring) to unit/department where male employees are mainly team members (Production management, ODM engineering, Facility management, System) and provide diverse work experiences

Initiative content

From Apr, 2021

  1. Execute universal knowledge orientation and training of contents of this system/program to overall company
  2. Launch of working terms & conditions improvement project
  3. Hearing/Interview regarding allocation of female to presently non female allocated unit/department

Since Sep, 2021: Proactive discovery of female employs who has willpower and capability (More than 1 time per annual implementation of company visit meeting)

Since Sep, 2021: Planning of selecting candidate talents for transfer, Building the plan

Since Apr, 2022: Start recruitment /invitation with improved new working terms & conditions

Since Apr, 2022: Implement actual allocation/assignment (Periodical follow-up)

Objective2: Implementation of training as objective of future development

Initiative contents

Since May, 2021: Discover by investigation of challenges/issues and implementation for Mind set change of department leaders

Since Sep, 2021: Select candidate employee of manager development (career training) and planning of training plan

Since Jun, 2022: Study/Examination of training program

Since Jun, 2022: Proactively include female as candidate of successor development plan

Objective3: Increase annual paid leave acquisition ratio gradually and aim for acquiring more than 11 days

Initiative contents

Since Apr, 2021: Implement hearing/interview about personal work system/program

Since Jun, 2021: Include building system/program to be in charge by multiple persons in each department and work act on behalf (support each other) system/program with multifunctional/multi capability and consideration/study of automation